
Resolve exception “No bean named ‘HTTP_Listener_Configuration’ is defined”

In the previous post I have explained on how to fix the “bind exception” that occurred because we are trying to run an application on the same port that other application is running and advised to move the configuration section…

Resolve exception “ Address already in use”

When you run Mule application in Anypoint Studio or deploy Mule application in Mule Runtime, it is common to get the following error: ERROR 2016-09-05 22:17:57,070 [main] org.mule.module.launcher.application.DefaultMuleApplication: ******************************************************************************** Message : Failed to invoke lifecycle phase “start” on object: org.mule.module.http.internal.listener.DefaultHttpListenerConfig@7c1503a3…

Resolve ActiveMQConnectionFactory class not found exception

If you encounter the following error while running the mule application, the reason is it is looking for activemq supporting classes in your project and it is not finding it.  Those classes are available in activemq-all-x.xx.xx.jar file (Add activemq-all-x.xx.jar file if your…